Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 5!

Family and Friends,

This week has been great and tough. Our Brazilian roommates left this morning at 5:30 for their missions. Their three weeks here at the mtc flew by. They were super cool and funny haha. Elder Galvão is into video games and Metallica and learned almost fluent English from playing video games online/watching tv/movies. The other, Elder Lima, didn't speak any English upon arriving but started learning some during his time here. He is big into working out and ju jitsu/ufc. He showed me showed fighting form/technique this week which was super cool. He only weighs a little over 100 pounds but hes solid muscle and bone. It was fun to talk to him about working out and exercises.

Elder Skinner is still here at the mtc, its been a long process of meetings, leaders talking to him and arranging for a ticket but he will leave tonight at 5:30 for the airport. It's tough to see him lose his faith. He plans to return to BYU this winter semester. The mtc president said he would pray about who my new companions should be. He's an incredible man and I really look up to him. I'm grateful to have met him.

The temple this past week was great! We went to Campinas for the 3rd or 4th time, its really pretty and peaceful there. For the rest of p-day, we got pizzas from Mr. Cheneys (a cookie store that is connected to other food places around town so you can get almost anything there) and some hamburgers from a restaurant we found. They were super good but we didn't know exactly what we had ordered because the menu was in Portuguese haha. 

Lessons have been going well. In our last one, we only brought our Portuguese scriptures and a lesson pamphlet. it went well and we only had 10ish minutes to prepare for it. The gift of tongues is real, the language is still tough but I can always speak more than I think I can and words come to mind even easier during lessons.

I know that I am doing what God wants me to do and that I am where he wants me to be. I think I've said this before in an email, but this is such incredible knowledge to have. I know as I continue working hard and being obedient, I will continue to be helped with the language and have the spirit with me. I love you all! Eat some great American food for me!

Elder Anderson
(and we got snickers again this week... 5 weeks of perfect room checks and counting...)

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