Monday, February 25, 2019

Week 28!

Hello Everybody!

This is week 28 in Missao Brazil Piracicaba. This week had ups and downs. This past Monday we visited Antonio and Angelica and they were at the hospital with their son at the time, and so we came back later and their son was just a little bit sick but it’s all good. We are going to visit them again tonight. Also, I skyped with both the family at home and with Dallin at Dixie State and it was super awesome, a lot of fun, and I love the new rule, it’s great!

Tuesday we had a good morning, we had lunch in Capo Avenia and the husband of the sister he was in UT for the past 6 months working and he just got back this week and he’s 37 and speaks English well, it was fun to talk to him in English about Utah and about his work. And we did weekly planning and studied the language and visited Marcos, one of our investigators, with Manion, the young men’s president here. Then we visited some other people and it was a good day.

Wednesday, had a good normal morning. We had lunch with Macalaney and she lives an hour away so it was a long walk, but lunch was super good and afterward we found a spot and sat down and studied the language, visited some people in Angenio and Penaraba, and we came back to Monte Mor, to our area, and we visited the new Venezuelans and worked with the dad of the family. We visited Angela, her son Juan Piva, and Luis and Ado. Super great. Fun to talk to the Venezuelan, his name is Labanial Amada. He’s a great guy and has a great story.

That night we visited Ado, but he was asleep so we talked to his dad who talks a LOT. Thursday we had district meeting, it was the birthday of some people in the zone so everybody brought some food and we ate a ton of cake and treats and soda, super good. We had lunch with Sister Lucia and we had the district leader and his companion with us to do a baptismal interview and we played a prank on the District leader, so when we got there for lunch, the dad of the family came out, and saw the 4 missionaries, and he said “what? Why are there 4 of you? We don’t have enough food for all of you, so you 2 need to stay here and only these 2 can eat, we don’t have food for you.” So the DL tried to explain, kind of nervous and tried to explain why they were there, to help out the missionaries, and apologized that he didn’t know, and then we all laughed and explained that it was a joke, haha. They had a ton of super good food and we brought some back to the house afterward to eat later. We went with the DL to our investigators house for the baptismal interview, and he wasn’t there which was a really big bummer. So then we just worked with the other elders a bit and then they left. We had an activity at the church that night.

Friday we had a normal morning, ate with Ebo Necee in Capo Avena, and she’s from the same ward as my companion, which was super cool so they talked a ton about their city, which was super cool and I had the opportunity to give her daughter a blessing which was super, super awesome. It was really great. After that we studied then met up with the zone leader and Elder Murray and went back to visit Marcus but he wasn’t there again, so we worked with the zone leaders in a new area and just talked with a lot of people there and we found some really neat people so that was great. And the zone leaders returned to their area and we met with the first Venezuelan family that came here, with Alexander, the head of the family, and then went back to Jardin Guanabara (Garden in English) and visited some more people there and we also entered a different church (Assembly of God) and we asked for water and used their bathroom, it was pretty funny, it was my first time in a different church on my mission. So we visited some people with Alexander and then that was the rest of the day.

Saturday, had a normal morning but left the house earlier and got a bus to Alias Fasto and had lunch there with Alan and Monica, also from the same city but not the same ward as my companion. They were just so grateful to have us in their house, super awesome, a lot of people here are really amazing. Then we got on a bus and returned and visited Evely but she wasn’t there and we visited Marcus again, and he was there, we talked to him a little but and will return another day. We feel his mom doesn’t want him to be baptized, so we need to talk with all of them. We then went to do service with a member, but they weren’t there..we went to the house to plan some and ate. Sunday we had a good meeting at church. Alan and Monica both spoke and it was super good. We went to the house of Eliech and she wanted us to bless her house and we went there with Juan Peva but it ended up that she was busy and the timing didn’t work out so we visited at Juan Peva’s house and ate with his family.

Today is P-Day. Woke up, worked out, and I maxed out on pull-ups (16) and sit ups (80). A lot of fun. I’m going to max this week and then I made a new workout program that I’m going to start following and then max again in 2 months which will be awesome. So after this we are going to buy food, eat lunch, and have the rest of the P Day and visit people tonight.


Elder Anderson

The following are captions for pictures but I cannot access them all yet...we are having picture problems and hope to get it fixed soon!
 incredible double rainbow
 Elder Lira owns a Bus. Who knew?
 view from a members house
 after taking this pic, 2 giant dogs ran up and starting jumping up against the gate haha

  ice cream!
After a hair cut!

P-Day food!
Elder Lira tries my workouts pt. 1
Elder Lira tries my workouts pt. 2
giant junkyard we saw
incredible double rainbow
a double-decker semi-truck bus we saw
Elder Lira
Up-Close flash hahaha
Elder Lira owns a Bus. Who knew?

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