Monday, April 15, 2019

Week 35!

Family and Friends,
These week was slower than normal but was good. Elder Lira now has 3 months in the mission field and is nervous that I will leave this next transfer haha. He´s nervous to have a different companion and I will probably leave this area (Guanabara) next week. 

This past weekend it rained a ton and the church building got filled with water, most of it drained out but the Bishop here had to call maintenance and have them clean everything. crazy haha.

We decided to focus in a new area. There are a lot of less-active members there and the people seem to be more receptive than where we have been focusing. We visited with a less-active member there and his brother and his brother talked a ton about his philisophical/psychological approach to life and about how he is free of religion in his life. It was interesting and sad. He didn´t try to listen to anything we had to say. 

This past Saturday, my companion and I were talking with people in the road. I decided to go to a specific sidewalk and there we ran into a member who is from a different city and would be going to our church building that Sunday. It was a pretty cool encounter haha.

Tchau e amo vocês!
- Elder Anderson

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